<h1><strong>The Case (Gatusso, P.I.) </strong></h1>
<img src="images/girl2.jpg" height="499p" width="400p" />
A beautiful woman walks into our office and asks for help. She explains the strange circumstances in which her niece disappeared. The only clues we have to go by are the location where it happened, the red hoody the little girl was wearing at the time, and the fact that, she didn't take her furry friends on this trip.
Will we take the case?
[[case <-Yes, we will!]]
[[No, we won't. -> no case]]
<a href="https://darkroomcomics.com/comics">Exit</a>
<audio autoplay loop >
<source src="music/Lobo_Loco_-_10_-_Phantom_Hunters_ID_985.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.
</audio><<cacheaudio "song" "music/Sunny.mp3">><h3>The lady in red is approaching...</h3>
<h4>Play video below for clue</h4>
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/nuw3ljVHgm8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<!--It was a cold and wet night in the city. I had gone out for a walk when suddenly bright lights blinded me. Somehow, I made it back to my office when this classy lady approached me with her case: Her niece had suddenly disappeared on the way to her grandmother's house. -->
Click to [[start the case -> the Woods]]
We're too busy.
Let's send her on her way...
<img src="images/boardwalk.jpg" width="531p" height="768p"/>
Go back to the [[beginning->The choice]] <h3>The Woods</h3>
We started by taking a walk in the woods. Maybe we could find a clue there.
<img src="images/tracks.jpg" width="512p" height="367p"</>
I found footprints of both a young girl and an animal.
Could it be the little girl and her dog?
If you're going to be a detective one day, you are going to solve cases like this. So, let's see what you know:
Is it the little girl and her dog?
[[Yes, it is!->deducing yes ]]
[[deducing no<-No, it's not!]] Hello you awake? she didn't bring her pets. Go back to [[clue-> the Woods]] <h3>The Investigation</h3>
Indeed, these were not the tracks of a dog, but the footprints could be the little girl’s!
I decided to investigate further.
I started following the tracks, and I thought to myself...
Could it be a tiger?
What do you think?
[[It's a tiger!-> no tiger]]
[[No, it's not a tiger!-> investigate]]Of course it’s not a tiger, I’m just <em>kidding</em>!
Go back to [[clue->deducing no]] Good job junior detective!
Suddenly it hit me like a rock!
She was wearing a red hoody in the woods...
I found an animal’s tracks next to her footprints.
This could only be...
Can you guess who the little girl is?
[[Take a guess-> guess]].
[[Find out->red hood]].<h3>Red Riding Hood</h3>
Here's how it happened...
<img src="images/redhood.jpg" width="642p" height="768p" />
Did you guess?
[[Play again->The choice]]
<a href="https://darkroomcomics.com/comics">Exit</a><h3>Take a guess! Who is the little girl?</h3>
Here is your hint:
g-i-r-l- -i-n- -r-e-d
Now, with all the clues we will solve the mystery, but first, take a guess and then we will see if you were right or wrong, junior detective.
See [[clues]] again
[[Find out->red hood]]List of clues
<li>She was wearing a red hood </li>
<li>She didn't bring her pets along </li>
<li>Two sets of foot prints (found in picture)</li>
Back to [[take a guess-> guess]]<div class="credits">
<h3>Game Credits:</h3>
<div class="a">Original Story by</div>
<div class="b">Luis Martinez
(Based on the classic story:
Little Red Cap by the Grimm brothers) </div>
<div class="a">Dialogs by</div>
<div class="b">Luis Martinez and
My 10 year old daughter
Gabriela Martinez </div>
<div class="a">Design and development by</div>
<div class="b">Luis Martinez </div>
<div class="a">Graphics by</div>
<div class="b">Luis Martinez</div>
<div class="a">Movie clip by</div>
<div class="b">Luis Martinez</div>
<div class="a">Music by</div>
<div class="b">Lobo Loco
Over Midnight
Phantom Hunters (ID 985)
Creative Commons license </div>
<div class="a">Playtesters </div>
<div class="b">Luis Danilo Martinez
Gabriela Martinez
Jacqueline Martinez</div>
All rights reserved.
[[Play again->The choice]]
<a href="http://www.3delectronicmedia.com/web-design.html">Exit</a>